
MongoDB is an open source document oriented database.

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open-source database that uses a document-oriented data model and a non-structured query language. It is one of the most powerful NoSQL systems and databases around, today. It is constructed on architecture of collections and documents. These documents comprise of sets of key value pairs and serve as the basic unit data in MongoDB. It supports dynamic schema design, which allows the documents in a collection having different fields and structures.

Key features of MongoDB:
  • No downtime while the application is being scaled
  • Performs in-memory processing
  • Text search & Graph processing
  • Global replication
  • Develops quicker & Deploys faster
  • High Scalability
  • High Performance

Why MongoDB?

The excellent features that MongoDB has to offer that make it stand out from the rest of the others.
Distributed Data Platform
Throughout geographically distributed data centers and cloud regions, MongoDB can be run ensuring new levels of availability and scalability. With no downtime and without changing your application.
Fast and Iterative Development
Changing business requirements will no longer affect successful project delivery in your enterprise. A flexible data model with dynamic schema, and with powerful GUI and command line tools, makes it fast for developers to build and evolve applications.
Flexible Data Model
MongoDB stores data in flexible JSON-like documents, which makes data persistence and combining easy. The objects in your application code is mapped to the document model, due to which working with data becomes easy.
Highly Scalable
MySQL can handle almost any amount of data, up to as much as 50 million rows or more. The default file size limit is about 4 GB. However, you can increase this number to a theoretical limit of 8 TB of data.

What else with MongoDB?


Fields in this database document can be indexed with primary and secondary indices. It enables the database engine to efficiently resolve queries and give results very quickly.


MongoDB Contributes high availability with replica sets. A replica set includes two or more copies of data. One of the robust feature of the MongoDB replica set is its automatic failover.

Load Balancing

MongoDB scales horizontally using Sharding. It can run on multiple servers which helps to balance the load and also duplicating the data for keeping the system up and running in case of hardware failure.

Capped Collections

MongoDB supports fixed-size collections called capped collections. This type of collection maintains insertion order. Once the specified size has been reached, it starts behaving like a circular queue.

Things we do

We have an expert team of MongoDB who has vast experience in executing many MongoDB related project successfully.
MongoDB Database Implementation
Database Migration
Performance Tuning
Support & Maintenance
Big Data Applications

Get in touch

Having someone with a deep and broad understanding of technology on your side can make the difference between your business thriving and simply surviving.