
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open source PHP based web-framework for building high-end web applications using its significant and graceful syntaxes. It comes with a strong collection of tools and provides application architecture. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic. Laravel has a very rich set of features which boosts the speed of web development.

Core features of Laravel:
  • Authentication and authorization system
  • Routing controllers
  • Message Queue System
  • Multiple Database Support
  • Modularity
  • Configuration Management
  • Automation Testing
  • Template Engine
  • Schema Builder

Why to use Laravel?

There are many features which makes Laravel unique from others.
Configuration Management
Laravel provides very consistent approach to handle configuration in efficient way. Also it comes with built in error and exception handling configuration.
Schema Builder
Laravel comes with schema builder which maintains database definitions and schema in PHP code. It also keeps track of changes with respect to database migrations.
Routing controllers
Laravel provides a flexible approach to define routes in the web application. Hence application become scalable and increases its performance.
Template Engine
Laravel uses the Blade Template engine which is lightweight template language used to design hierarchical blocks and layouts with predefined blocks which includes dynamic content.

What else with Laravel?

Message Queue System

Laravel provides message queue service. It provides a unified API across a variety of different queue backends.


Since Laravel is MVC framework, it separates presentation layer from business layer which is quite easy to manage.

Database Access

Laravel supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL and SQLite database. Laravel’s Fluent Query Builder abstracts away the differences between different database types.

Automation Testing

It supports testing with PHPUnit. The framework also ships with convenient helper methods allowing for expressive testing of the applications.

Things we do

Hire dedicated professional developers of Laravel from Codeplus.
Laravel Enterprise Application Development
Laravel Customization and Integration
API Development
Database Migration
Support & Maintenance

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